Sunday, March 16, 2014

1500 Visits!

A few days ago my blog just broke 1500 visits! I'm entirely open to the possibility that half of those are mine--even though I told Blogger not to track me--and my closest relatives. Still!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Reprint Sale: "Smart Money"

Toasted Cake has accepted my story, "Smart Money," for their weekly podcast. Perfect for those who want a fast bit of entertainment for their morning or evening commutes, or on the jog. "Smart Money" originally appeared in Stupefying Stories Showcase #1. No word yet on when it'll be released.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Sale: Splotch of Red

Yesterday, I received word my dark fantasy "Splotch of Red" sold to DarkFuse Anthology, an e-book and limited edition HB series. There's still no planned released date, but I'll update my blog as soon as I hear. What I do know is that DarkFuse is a class act with fantastic releases. I'm looking forward to seeing how this one turns out!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

"Servant of the Aswang" released today by Penumbra eMag

My story, "Servant of the Aswang," was released yesterday in Penumbra's A Night at the Villa Diodati themed issue. I haven't gotten my contributor copy yet, but I'm under the impression this will be an awesome set of creature stories, from the rare and unheard up, to the absolutely fabricated. My story is a dark fantasy set in modern-day Philippines. It's available for purchase for $3.99 in PDF here.