Monday, May 12, 2014

Sale: "So Praise Him"

On Mother's Day, I made a sale that I decided to keep mum about until the deal was finalized. Well, today, I signed the contract so I'm opening the floodgates of information! My story, "So Praise Him," a Lovecraft inspired horror short set in Arkham Massachusetts, sold to That Ain't Right anthology. It'll be available as a limited edition paperback and e-book.

From their Kickstarter description: "That Ain't Right: Historical Accounts of the Miskatonic Valley will collect letters, anecdotes, newspaper articles, and other narratives from the very people who live in this sinister little corner of Massachusetts. From the bustling college town of Arkham to the rickety piers of Innsmouth."

Saturday, May 3, 2014

New Cover for Ares Magazine #1

Ares unveiled their newest cover for their debut, and it's a beautiful thing. My story is second on the left side. According to their Facebook, the issue was late to print, so there will be a delay in shipping out the first issue.