I've had a few publications since I last wrote.
"A Mundane Encounter With a Civilized God" appeared in Intergalactic Medicine Show's February issue.
"Servant of the Aswang" was reprinted in the Feburary issue of Apex Magazine, and again in the French horror anthology, Ténèbres.
"A Thing in All My Things" aired on the Pseudopod Podcast in August.
"Behind the Walls" appeared in an anthology of original horror stories called Cutton Block: Single Slices vol. 1.
"Love in the Time of Alien Invasion" was reprinted in the Fantastic Stories of the Imagination: People of Color Flash Anthology.
"She Who Would Rip the Sky Asunder" was adapted into an audio drama and aired on the Redshift Podcast.
As for sales? "A Pocket of Madness" sold to Digital Horror Fiction; a reprint of "Penelope's Song" sold to Far Fetched Fables, and is expected to air in January 2018; the Podcast Tales to Terrify picked up "PagPag" to air sometime in 2018; and "Beyond the Reach of Darkness" may appear in an anthology of original horror stories in January of 2018 as well.
Beyond that, one of my newer stories made semi-finalist in the Writers of the Future contest, and I have a few originals currently under final-round consideration. Hoping to get more, and better, news as we near the end of the year! I'll also try to update my bibliography, and this post, with links as soon as I can.
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